Thursday 17 May 2012

Richard Avedon - another genius with a camera!

I'm in the middle of the madness of the fashion department at CCAD right now. Deadline day is tomorrow and there have been tears and tantrums but nothing different to usual.
I try to keep an element of calm throughout all this but I have my own deadlines, such as making sure the FMP show is going to be amazing & that I have put together posters and write ups for all the students!
I'm trying to create a Classic Dress poster for the 1st years & because I used a David Downton illustration last year I wanted to use photography this year.
I have a number of images in my head when I think of the classic dress, including Audrey Hepburn but when I think of photography and a picture which involved a classic dress I immediately thought of Richard Avedon's photography and the classic picture of the model Dovima stood amongst some elephants wearing a Dior dress... as you do!!

These pictures are perhaps 2 of my all time favourite fashion photographs! I love the sophistication of the model stood on straw mixed with the playfulness of the elephants!
Of course, this involved me going through the rest of Avedon's archive on his website and gasping with admiration at his photography. It's just stunning! He is definitely another one of my photographic heroes!

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